Personal Project

Children sex education

The Game of Equality

European Product Design Awards - TOP Design

MUSE Design Awards - Gold Awards

Communication Arts - Shortlist


In 2022, women face a 39% chance of job and income equality, with only a 20.9% probability of political rights parity. Gender inequality persists. The goal of this project is to find a solution to tackle the root causes of this problem.


Design research, User research, Interaction Design, AR development


6 weeks


Cinema 4D, Unity

Project Overview

“The Game of Equality" combats gender inequality through an AR game for kids aged 10~16. It combines a pop-up book with a phone-based AR game to educate and engage children effectively.

Research Process.

Location: Shanghai, China

The Problem

How serious is the gender inequality?

The gender gap in China remains more significant than in other countries, and, worse still, it has been widening over the past five years. This indicates that the issue of inequality between men and women still requires attention and improvement in China.

The Problem

How do men and women view gender equality?

According to the data, Chinese citizens have a greater confidence of gender equality in China. However, the current situation is not that optimistic.

Research Question

How might we find an innovative and effective solution for gender inequality, a wicked problem?

Background Research

Interior differences between men and women

Modern science has no way to explain whether these differences have led to great differences between men’s and women’s minds.

Background Research

Exterior causes of modern gender inequality

The inadequate economic development in China is the major exterior cause of modern gender inequality.

Methods to eliminate differences

It is almost impossible to achieve economic balance by individual effort.

Research Challenge

Both interior and exterior causes are almost impossible to change by individual efforts.

Survey Research

At what point does the concept of gender inequality arise in everyone's mind?

I conducted a brief survey, sent it to 20 high school students and 20 middle school students to know the indirect causes of gender inequality.

Research Analyze

My approach:

Among 37 valid survey answers, I concluded 3 main causes of gender inequality.

I decided to start with children’s education to alleviate gender inequality.

User Research

Target Users

Since the age and location of users will impact the depth and amount of information in an education product, they are very important to this project. Based on the qualitative and quantitive analyze of the survey results and a deeper research of children’s psychological growth, I’m able to determine the target user’s age and location.

According to Sigmund Freud, the basic adult personality have been formed in the first three stages of development. Therefore, 10~20 years old children can understand sex education effectively.

Education Method Research

Explore effective education methods

After researching children's psychology, I have decided to enhance education efficiency by incorporating information that children are familiar with and content that can spark their curiosity.

User Interview

What educational methods are easily accepted by children nowadays?

According to the interview of 10 and 13 years old children, I know that children between 10 and 16 years old like to play both physical and digital games. Therefore, I decided to implement gender equality concepts into a playful experience.

Idea 1

LEGO Role-Play Game ❌

This game lets three boys and three girls build a LEGO house together. They will take on the roles of architecture designers, decorators, engineers, and workers. Both boys and girls will perform tasks that differ from what is traditionally associated with their gender. This way, they can learn that a person's ability is not limited by their gender.

Problem 1

Each children’s physical ability and preference cannot be predicted.

Problem 2

Children will not be involved in the process of building a house in their daily life, which lack of the information they familiar with.

Problem 3

Children are already familiar with LEGO toys, and my game may not arouse their curiosity anymore.

Idea 2

AR Game ✅

An augmented reality (AR) game combined with a pop-up book. The book features familiar situations for children, such as school and amusement parks. The AR game introduces virtual characters and dialogues that address concepts of gender inequality.

Video Game Analyze

I researched other 4 types of educational games to learn their interaction method, game structure, and interface layouts. Also analyzed their weakness and strengths from 5 aspects: clarity, interest, suitability, simplicity, and education.

After analyze other video games, I learned that a good educational game needs a clear interface and tutorial, simple process, appropriate interaction, and interesting dialogues.

Design Process

Design Purpose

Educate children from a superficial level about the right attitude toward gender and the ideal society we want to achieve. Then reduce children’s gender stereotype.

Eventually, alleviate the gender inequality in the future society.


Game Structure

This game contains 13 different dialogues between two virtual characters, all based on real-life situations. At the end of each dialogue, the player is invited to choose between three types of thoughts, each with different scores. Ultimately, the player's choices will determine the virtual world's various endings.


Story boards

Low-Fi Prototypes

Game Style

Design System

I created the design system of this game.

Game Development

Character Design & AR effect

I built a demo of the game by using Vuforia in unity, C#, and cinema 4D.

Final Design

The Game of Equality

An AR game that aims to deliver the basic gender equality concepts to children.

AR Tutorial

Let the children explore and familiarize with AR effect in a easy and funny way.

Real-life situations

Pop-up books feature four situations closely tied to children's lives, aiming to make it easier for them to understand and accept the concepts of gender equality.

Virtual Dialogues

The dialogues between characters address common gender inequality topics, enabling children to immediately understand and relate these issues to their own lives.

Make Decisions

Decision-making in the game reflects children's authentic ideas, leading to various endings that prompt learning and reflection.

Usability Testing

I invited 4 children aged 10~16 years old to try the prototype of the game


After analyzing the results, the educational effectiveness of the game reached 75%, and the kids’ interest of AR function is 80%. This reached my goal.